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Cultural Event
Aula Magna via Gobbi 5, Milano
Free admission

Concert for Three Orchestras

ICM Youth Symphonic and Guitar Orchestras
"Passacaglia" third tempo of "La musica delle strade di Madrid" by L. Boccherini
"In un mercato persiano" by A. Ketèlbey
"Choros n. 1" by H. Villa-Lobos

Directed by Alberto Bramani

LCC Orchestra
"Imani" by S. O'Loghlin
"Three folk miniatures to the cathedral" by A. Jutras
"Elsa's procession to the cathedral" by R. Wagner
"Fire dance" by D. Shaffer
"Sway (quien sera)" arr. M. Brown
"Bounty hunter" by T. Tallarico and M. R. Plowman, arr. R. Sheldon
"Cartoon symphony" by L. Clark
"Romanesque" by J. Swearingen
"The Incredibles" by M. Giacchino, arr. J. Vinson
"Brother James' air" by J. L. Macbeth Bain, arr. D. Wagner

Directed Scott Cheyne and Guy Cox

Organized by:
ISU Bocconi
Insieme con la Musica

For information:
